Dobcsanyi, David 2130 Torma, Robert 2130 E81 1997 0-1 29 Game overview Download PGN
Dobcsanyi, David 2130 Feher, Laszlo E93 1997 0-1 32 Game overview Download PGN
Dobcsanyi, David 2130 Pasztor, Ferenc 2240 A34 1998 0-1 79 Game overview Download PGN
Dobcsanyi, David 2130 Amrein, Roland 2245 B35 1997 0-1 33 Game overview Download PGN
Dobcsanyi, David 2155 Bokros, Albert 2365 A30 1998 0-1 60 Game overview Download PGN
Dobcsanyi, David 2155 Mate, Balazs 2110 A42 1998 0-1 43 Game overview Download PGN
Dobcsanyi, David 2155 Dovzik, Juri 2375 D13 1998 0-1 22 Game overview Download PGN
Dobcsanyi, David 2155 Nanu, Ciprian Costica 2325 E92 1998 0-1 28 Game overview Download PGN
Dobcsanyi, David 2121 Gonda, Laszlo 2089 A38 1999 0-1 36 Game overview Download PGN
Dobcsanyi, David 2121 Nagyajtai, Gabor 2176 A37 2000 0-1 59 Game overview Download PGN
Dobcsanyi, David 2112 Palotai, Piroska 2039 A38 2001 0-1 32 Game overview Download PGN
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